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Antoine Jaccoud

Lingua franca

Caro Radu,

Voglio to thank you per il wonderful viaggio you organise for me in the Delta of Danube.

You were un appassionato guide who knew furte mult how to show me the most secret canali and the most unknown lakes of your territorio.

Multu merc for this again, caro Radu. I will also keep uno profonde memorio – despite the few Ursus birre we had on the terrace – of the conversation we had in the picola pension dove we spent la notte.

I did not agree totalmente with everything you have parlato of course. Posso even dire that I was shocked sometime. For me it is per esempio molto difficile to understand porque you think that the situation was far meglio during Caucescu regime.

Posso capire that having molto «traktore, traktore», as you mentioned it, lavorando on the delta at that time was meglio che abandoned farms and ghost villagi.

But the fact is that these mega agricultural projetti also destroyed dramatically the ambiente of the delta, and were planned by uno terribile stato that put thousands of your citizen in carcere.

I will also confess that declarare che la Merkel is the successor of Hitler who wants to impose her legge to your country seems to me un poco exaggerato!

Questi appasionati conversations we had insieme helped me anyway to capire una cosa very important.

Siamo certo tutti europpeani, but we have different conceptions of this Europe, its history and its futuro. We have – and we will have – to deal with that, caro Radu, sperando that a few Ursus birre will help us to reduce la tensione..!

E poi che una last cosa which I noticed. Una bella. L'esperanto is dead – no one believe oggi in questa utopica lingua – but we are still capable to create una commune lingua – una lingua franca – to enjoy to be insieme.

Multu merc, Radu, spassiba, grazie, merci beaucoup, and see you un altro volta along our beautiful european fiume.

Losanna, 16 april 2014

Une contribution de «Bern ist überall» du Journal B. En dernier: Säuber beschtimme de Guy Krneta.

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